Visitors from Cyprus at Forschungszentrum Jülich
On 25 February 2011 the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, Neoklis Sylikiotis, visited Forschungszentrum Jülich. The minister was accompanied by Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, President of the Cyprus Institute (CyI), and Prof. Constantia Alexandrou from the institute’s Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC). Intensifying the cooperation between Jülich and CyI in the area of supercomputing was just one of the priorities during the visit, as JSC and CaSToRC are working closely together in the EU-funded projects LinkSCEEM-2, PRACE and HiPOP as well as in common research fields. An official cooperation agreement between FZJ and CyI has existed since April 2009 concentrating on supercomputing-related topics like GPU accelerators, installation of a common simulation laboratory in particle physics and on education and training of potential HPC users in the Eastern Mediterranean. JSC is assisting CaSToRC in becoming a recognized regional tier-1 HPC centre. The Minister was deeply impressed by this successful collaboration, which he would like to extend to other research fields such as climate studies or solar cell technology. Links to the corresponding institutes of IEK-8 (Prof. Wahner), IBG-2 (Prof. Schurr), IBG-3 (Prof. Vereecken) and IEK-5 (Prof. Carius) were established during short visits in the afternoon.
from JSC News No. 193, March 2011