NIC Excellence Projects 2011

At its meeting on 15 April at GSI, the NIC Peer Review Board decided to honour two outstanding simulation projects by awarding them the title of NIC Excellence Project. The projects receiving the distinction this year come from the fields of elementary particle physics and polymer physics. "Computing BK with 2+1 flavors at the physical mass point", submitted by Dr. Christian Hoelbling, University of Wuppertal, for a Wuppertal-Jülich collaboration group, investigates nuclear matter with the goal of understanding the asymmetry between matter and antimatter. "Long-range correlations at polymer-solid interfaces", submitted by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Paul, Martin Luther University Halle, has the goal of understanding the puzzling intermediate phase of nanocomposite materials using molecular dynamics simulations. For more details see

(Contact: Dr. Walter Nadler)

from JSC News No. 195, May 2011

Last Modified: 12.09.2022