New PRACE Call for Proposals - Tier-0 and DECI

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) allows researchers from across Europe to apply for time on high-performance computers from a series of hosting nations.

The 3rd PRACE Project Access call for proposals for Tier-0 systems, the highest supercomputer class, is now open. Researchers can apply for access to three Tier-0 systems:

  • IBM Blue Gene/P "JUGENE" (GCS@Jülich, Germany);
  • Bull cluster "CURIE" (GENCI@CEA, France) and
  • Cray XE6 "HERMIT" (GCS@HLRS, Germany).

Synchronized with this call, the PRACE Pilot Call for national systems (Tier-1) has also opened. After the end of the DEISA project (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications), the former DECI calls are to be continued under the PRACE banner. The abbreviation DECI stands now for "Distributed European Computing Initiative". As part of this call, researchers can apply for support and access to Tier-1 HPC systems in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK.

Both calls will close on 22 June 2011, 16:00 CEST. Successful projects will start on 1 November 2011. For further information and the appropriate application forms, please go to

(Contact: Dr. Florian Janetzko)

from JSC News No. 195, May 2011

Last Modified: 12.09.2022