Foundation of BUX
At ISC11 in Hamburg, the Bull User group for eXtreme computing (BUX) was founded on 20 June 2011. BUX is an independent worldwide group of users that will cooperate to increase the capabilities of the large-scale, parallel scientific and technical computing solutions supplied by the company Bull, to promote the exchange of information and understanding of these systems, and to provide guidance to Bull on the essential development and support issues for large-scale technical systems. Bull, as an affiliate, is committed to supporting this new user group.
The objectives of BUX are:
- Sharing of experience between members and with Bull
- Giving Bull direct feedback and input, and helping to set priorities for the Group in terms of technology, service and support
- Networking with Bull HPC experts during BUX events
- Highlighting emerging technologies and helping foster long-term developments.
The seven founding members of BUX, to which Forschungszentrum Jülich also belongs, come from France, Germany, Spain and the UK. Five special interest groups have been established. Klaus Wolkersdorfer from JSC became the leader of the group "‘Parallel File Systems"’. A first general meeting is planned from 6 to 7 October 2011 at RWTH Aachen University. More information is available at
(Contact: Klaus Wolkersdorfer)
from JSC News No. 196, July 2011