CECAM-Jülich Summer School
From 12 to 16 September 2011, the CECAM-Jülich Summer School on "Fast Methods for Long-Range Interactions in Complex Systems" will take place at JSC.
Parallel computing and computer simulations of complex particle systems including charges have an ever increasing impact in a broad range of fields in the physical sciences, e.g. in astrophysics, statistical physics, plasma physics, material sciences, physical chemistry and biophysics. During the summer school, which is part of the CECAM-Jülich Node activities, methods and algorithms will be introduced and presented which reduce the computational complexity of the evaluation of long-range interactions which tend to dominate such simulation. These will include the fast multipole method, the Barnes-Hut tree method, and the multigrid or FFT-based methods. Parallelization of these methods will also be demonstrated and discussed in detail.
The school is aimed at PhD students and postdocs working in fields of computational science (in particular in physics, computational chemistry or numerical mathematics) who want to learn about modern methods and algorithms for the evaluation of long-range interactions, or who want to apply these techniques in their own simulation codes. More information is available at http://www.fz-juelich.de/cecam-ss
(Contact: Dr. Godehard Sutmann)
from JSC News No. 196, July 2011