Milky Way - A JUDGE Extension for Astronomers
JUDGE, the IBM iDataPlex GPU Cluster that has been running since last year at JSC, will be expanded in spring with a new partition for astronomers. The new partition was designed and purchased in a common effort involving JSC, the University of Heidelberg within the DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 881 "The Milky Way System" (SFB 881), and the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München within the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1573 "Physics of the Interstellar Medium" (SPP 1573). JSC will host this JUDGE partition for scientists in these two programmes aiming to investigate the origin and evolution of the Milky Way in order to clarify fundamental principles of galaxy formation. The "Milky Way" part of JUDGE comprises 84 compute nodes and 4 service nodes. It can be operated as a stand-alone cluster with its own login nodes and is also connected directly via GPFS-gateway nodes to the Jülich Storage Cluster. Large applications can also be run on all 206 compute nodes of JUDGE as the old and new hardware partitions are coupled via Infiniband connections. "Milky Way" will begin operation in April.
For further information, see
(Contact: Otto Büchner)
from JSC News No. 202, 26 March 2012