GCS Steering Committee founded

After all partners in the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) - JSC, HLRS and LRZ - installed petaflop supercomputers funded by the Bund-Länder project PetaGCS, a common steering committee for computational science projects was established on 2 July 2012 at a meeting at LRZ in Garching. The committee will award computer time grants on the GCS petaflop systems to excellent GCS large-scale projects which do best in a rigorous scientific and technical evaluation. Chairman of the GCS Steering Committee is Prof. Siegfried Wagner from the University of Stuttgart, and Prof. Kurt Binder from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz is Vice Chairman. The complete list of committee members is available at http://www.gauss-centre.de/sc.
(Contact: Dr. Norbert Attig, n.attig@fz-juelich.de)

from JSC News No. 206, 13 July 2012

Last Modified: 09.09.2022