2nd Call for High-Level Support from JSC SimLabs

Following their successful high-level support initiative in 2011, the four JSC Simulation Labs (Computational Biology, Molecular Systems, Plasma Physics, and Climate Science) are again inviting current and potential supercomputer users to apply for expert help in adapting and optimizing their applications for state-of-the-art HPC architectures. In this second call, the emphasis will be on longer-term projects aimed at designing new computational methods or improving existing algorithms capable of exploiting highly parallel architectures - in particular the JUROPA and BlueGene/Q machines hosted at JSC. Proposed work packages may involve up to 6 person-months of SimLab staff resources and are expected to take the form of a scientific cooperation, ideally culminating in joint publications or follow-up projects with external funding.

Further information can be found at http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/simlab-call2. The present call is open-ended and is expected to run until at least mid-2013. Proposals will be assessed at regular intervals depending on demand and staff availability.
(Contact: Dr. Paul Gibbon, p.gibbon@fz-juelich.de)

from JSC News No. 206, 13 July 2012

Last Modified: 09.09.2022