Workshop on Hybrid Particle-Continuum Methods in Computational Materials Physics

One of the main purposes of computational materials physics is to establish a fundamental link between atomicscale processes and the macroscopic behaviour of condensed matter, including composite materials, complex fluids, and materials of technological interest. A common characteristic of these systems is the existence of important features at multiple time or length scales. Typical examples are crack propagation in solids or protein folding in solution. Modelling such systems is challenging because the small and large scales have to be incorporated simultaneously and their underlying constitutive equations differ.

There has been much progress on coupling different descriptions and levels of resolution in the communities interested in complex fluids and complex solids. However, there has been surprisingly little exchange between them. In the tradition of previous workshops organized by research groups of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) at Jülich fostering the exchange between various scientific communities, a workshop on "Hybrid Particle-Continuum Methods in Computational Materials Physics" will be held at Forschungszentrum Jülich from 4 to 7 March 2013. The two main topics will be: continuum-mediated interactions between particles, as well as adaptive and nonadaptive coupling between particle-based and continuum-based descriptions. More details can be found at:
(Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Müser)

from JSC News No. 207, 28 September 2012

Last Modified: 09.09.2022