Funds for Helmholtz International Research Group Granted
Since 2012, the Helmholtz Association has promoted international cooperation through a limited number of International Research Groups (IRG), i.e. bi-lateral cooperations between scientists based at Helmholtz institutions and research groups abroad. In this year's round, the Plasma Simulation Lab at JSC received funding for a 3-year project on Scalable Kinetic Plasma Simulation Methods together with the Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. This was one of only 7 successful applications out of a total of 68 nationwide.
The new IRG will use the grant - which is matched by equivalent funding at KU Leuven - to perform research on innovative simulation techniques for studying nonlinear phenomena common to laser plasmas, planetary magnetospheres and plasma-wall interactions, while at the same time ensuring that the underlying algorithms are able to exploit emerging supercomputing architectures.
(Contact: Dr. Paul Gibbon,
from JSC News No. 215, 11 September 2013