MATSE Exams Passed
At the end of August 2013, 26 MATSE trainees (mathematical technical software developers) supervised by the JSC education team passed their final examinations. During a ceremony on 30 August 2013, they were warmly congratulated by Karsten Beneke, vice-chairman of the board of directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich, Heinz Gehlen, managing director of the Chamber of Commerce Aachen (IHK), and Prof. Volker Sander, Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen). More than 65 percent of the trainees achieved an overall grade of at least "good"; a grade of "excellent" was achieved by Jennifer Groß (IEK-3). She scored 92 percent, which was the highest score of all the 125 examinees in the district of Aachen and was only equalled by one other student.
(Contact: Prof. Paul Jansen)
from JSC News No. 215, 11 September 2013