Paul Gibbon Appointed Professor at KU Leuven

Paul Gibbon joined JSC in 2001 as a theoretical plasma physicist specializing in parallel N-body algorithms. In 2009, he took charge of the newly formed Computational Science division, which has since grown into one of the largest at JSC with its eight simulation laboratories, including the Plasma SimLab, which he also supervises. His current research interests focus on the application of high-performance computing to topical challenges in plasma physics, such as laser-driven particle acceleration and tokamak edge physics. Recently he was appointed Associate Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Department of Mathematics, where he will spend part of his time teaching courses on computational methods. The Jülich-Leuven connection will also be supported by a Helmholtz International Research Group grant on scalable kinetic simulation methods awarded to Prof. Gibbon earlier this year, which will be used to finance jointly supervised PhD and master’s students between JSC and his affiliated group within the Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics and KUL. Further information about the group can be found at
JSC wishes Paul all the best for his new position!

from JSC News No. 217, 29 November 2013

Last Modified: 08.09.2022