2nd JUQUEEN Porting and Tuning Workshop

Encouraged by the success of this year's first workshop and the positive feedback received, JSC will hold a second JUQUEEN Porting and Tuning Workshop from 3-5 February 2014. The main focus will again be on hands-on sessions for JUQUEEN users to port and tune their code with support from our experts. This will be accompanied by talks on both common as well as highly specialized performance tips and tools. This time, the special interest group will concentrate on the field of computational fluid dynamics, promising a comparison of different solvers' performance on BlueGene/Q. Registration deadline for the workshop is 5 January 2014. Details on the workshop can be found at https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ias/jsc/news/events/training-courses/2014/patc-juqueenpt14.
(Contact: Dr. Dirk Brömmel, d.broemmel@fz-juelich.de)

from JSC News No. 218, 13 December 2013

Last Modified: 08.09.2022