Retrospective of the Jülich CECAM School on Computational Sciences

From 23-27 March the Jülich CECAM School on Computational Trends in Solvation and Transport in Liquids was held at JSC ( 43 students, postdocs and senior scientists from eight countries participated in the school. The 23 lecturers from Europe and overseas were highly respected scientists who presented the latest research developments in the fields of soft matter physics and solvation chemistry together with a broad overview of the field.

The topics of the school were grouped into several blocks, covering atomistic methods, coarse-grain and continuum methods, hybrid methods, mesoscale fluid methods as well as numerical methods and hardware. As a complement to the topical lectures, a practical aspect of the school was a hands-on session for computing on graphical processing units (GPU), providing a code-oriented approach for first steps in GPU computing. The lecture notes (IAS series vol. 28) are available online as a pdf version at (

To stimulate discussion between participants and lecturers, four evening events were organized, comprising a get-together during the first evening, two poster sessions and an excursion. The positive feedback from participants and lecturers provides strong motivation for organizing further schools oriented to computational science on a similar basis.
(Contact: Dr. G. Sutmann,

JSC News, 22 April 2015

Last Modified: 16.08.2022