Update on the JURECA Time Plan
In JSC News No. 228, JSC announced its plan to replace the JUROPA system by a petascale successor system named JURECA. JSC and the vendor T-Platforms are now starting to install the first stage of the JURECA system, which is set to take over from JUROPA at the end of June. This first stage of JURECA will equal JUROPA in available computing power and will provide users with a production environment while the JUROPA cluster is dismantled and the remaining JURECA racks are installed.
A short service interruption, however, is necessary during the switch from JUROPA to JURECA in order to synchronize the home file system data between Lustre and GPFS. As communicated to all JUROPA users in March, JSC is automatically copying the user data from the Lustre home file systems on JUROPA to the centre-wide GPFS home file system that will be used on JURECA. The transfer of data from the Lustre to the GPFS work file system is the users’ responsibility and all data that is not transferred before the end of life of JUROPA will be irretrievably lost. All JUROPA users are therefore kindly asked to start migrating their data as soon as possible. JSC will inform JUROPA users about the exact time plan through the 'message of the day', e-mail and on http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/jureca.
(Contact: Dr. Dorian Krause)
JSC, 22 April 2015