4th PRACE Implementation Phase Project
PRACE-4IP is the fourth project in a series of PRACE implementation phase projects. The project is funded in the H2020 framework programme and started on 1 February 2015. Like its predecessors, PRACE-4IP is coordinated by Forschungszentrum Jülich. It has a budget of nearly € 16.5 million, a duration of 27 months and 26 partners. The project will support the transition from the initial five-year period (2010-2015) of the Research Infrastructure established by the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) to the next period, known as PRACE 2.0.
Over 250 researchers from 49 organizations (including third parties) in 25 countries will assist the PRACE Research Infrastructure and support PRACE users. PRACE-4IP will enable application codes for PRACE leadership platforms and prepare for future systems by investigating new programming tools and developing suitable benchmarks. The project will also continue and extend the highly visible training events including the PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs). In order to support a balanced eco-system of HPC resources for Europe's researchers, the project will work on improving PRACE operations and prototyping new services. Links will be established to other e-infrastructures and the future Centres of Excellence, and the existing international collaborations will be extended.
PRACE-4IP will expand its market watch and evaluation based on user requirements, study best practices for energy efficiency and lower environmental impact throughout the life cycle of large HPC infrastructures and define best practices for prototype planning and evaluation. The project will continue to organize well-known events like PRACEdays, Summer of HPC or the International HPC Summer School in order to promote and support innovative scientific approaches in modelling, simulation and data analysis.
The PRACE-4IP kick-off meeting will be held at the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic from 28-29 April 2015.
(Contact: Dr. Florian Berberich, f.berberich@fz-juelich.de)
JSC, 22 April 2015