JSC in Four EU-Funded Centres of Excellence

On 8 May 2015, the results were announced of a hotly contested call for new Centres of Excellence within the EU Horizon2020 E-Infrastructures Programme. These new funding instruments are designed to harness computational science and big data expertise in HPC to promote scientific discovery and industrial competitiveness. Out of the 20 submitted proposals, four of the eight projects approved for initial funding will involve JSC participation. These are: EoCoE - an Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence; MaX - Materials Design at the Exascale; E-CAM - an E-infrastructure for Software, Training and Consultancy in Simulation and Modelling; and POP - Performance Optimisation and Productivity.

EoCoE ('echo'), coordinated by the Maison de la Simulation at CEA-Saclay, received the highest grade of the evaluation, and aims to exploit HPC in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon energy supply. It will involve five separate teams from JSC, IEK, and IBG at Forschungszentrum Jülich, as well as over 20 external partners from all over Europe. All four projects plan to start in the autumn of this year.
(Contact: Prof. Paul Gibbon, p.gibbon@fz-juelich.de)

JSC, 27 May 2015

Last Modified: 16.08.2022