Energy-Oriented Centre of Excellence EoCoE Launched
At the Maison de la Simulation in the Parisian suburb of Saclay, around 90 delegates of the recently approved H2020 Energy-Oriented Centre of Excellence for computing applications (EoCoE, pronounced echo) gathered for an inaugural meeting from 5-6 October 2015. The consortium is structured around a central Franco-German hub coordinating a pan-European network of eight countries and 23 teams. Its partners are strongly engaged in both the HPC and the respective energy fields, sharing a vision of creating a sustainable community around computational energy science. The initial goal of this three-year project is to harness the maturing supercomputing infrastructure available within the EU to foster and accelerate the transition to a reliable, carbon-neutral energy supply.
EoCoE will achieve this through targeted support of heavily utilized modelling applications specific to four elemental pillars: Meteorology (air), Materials (earth), Hydrology (water) and Fusion (fire). Pressing scientific and technical challenges within these domains will be addressed and resolved with the help of a 'fifth element'; a multidisciplinary transversal basis supplying high-end expertise in applied mathematics and HPC. At the kick-off meeting, the first steps towards achieving this goal were made via a series of 'speed-networking' sessions between the domain-pillar modellers and the HPC/mathematical experts. These served to establish explicit partnerships on joint code development which will be further consolidated in a series of benchmarking and optimization workshops starting this December.
(Contact: Prof. Paul Gibbon,
JSC News, 30 October 2015