JUQUEEN Extreme Scaling Workshop 2016

The next JUQUEEN Extreme Scaling Workshop will take place from 1 to 3 February 2016 at JSC. These workshops provide selected application teams with an opportunity to scale their codes up to 1.8 million hardware threads via exclusive access to the entire Blue Gene/Q at JSC, with expert hardware, software and support personnel available to assist with running codes at this extreme scale. Participation will be limited to a small number of application teams with codes that demonstrate good scaling potential, and where at least one team member will be physically present on-site for the workshop.

While JSC is particularly keen to support new application teams and codes, teams from previous extreme scaling workshops and High-Q Club members with application codes which have already demonstrated excellent scalability will not be excluded if they wish to investigate algorithmic or other changes or if their focus is on improved file I/O, etc. Participation is by invitation only, so please contact the organizer, Brian Wylie (b.wylie@fz-juelich.de), with details of your code, its current scalability on Blue Gene/Q, and expected benefits from this opportunity to demonstrate extreme scalability.
(Contact: Dr. Brian Wylie, b.wylie@fz-juelich.de)

JSC News, 2 December 2015

Last Modified: 05.07.2022