New GCS Large-Scale Projects since November 2015
Twice a year, the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) issues a call for large-scale projects on its petascale supercomputers, currently JUQUEEN (JSC), Hazel Hen (HLRS), and SuperMUC (LRZ). Projects are classified as large-scale if they require at least 35 million core hours. At its October meeting at JSC, the GCS Peer Review Board decided to award the status of a large-scale project to 19 projects from various fields of the simulation sciences, which is a new record. Two projects were granted a total of 330 million compute core hours on Hazel Hen. Eleven projects were granted a total of about 600 million compute core hours on JUQUEEN and seven projects were granted 360 million compute core hours on SuperMUC, including one large-scale project which obtained resources on both JUQUEEN and SuperMUC. For more details on these projects from the 14th call, see
(Contact: Dr. Florian Janetzko,
JSC News, 25 January 2016