Intensive HPC Training for European Doctoral Students

Together with 16 other partners, JSC organizes a European joint doctoral programme that is highly interdisciplinary and brings together experts from various disciplines in computational science to train doctoral students to exploit high-performance computing for their research. The doctoral programme HPC-LEAP started in September 2015 and is coordinated by the Cyprus Institute.

In January, a very intensive training event on HPC architectures and large-scale numerical computation took place at JSC. Over a period of three weeks, experts from JSC, other Jülich institutes and external institutions held lectures on computer architectures, parallel algorithms, performance analysis, modelling and optimization, MPI and OpenMP programming, GPU programming, visualization, parallel I/O and mathematical libraries. The programme was supplemented by lectures on novel HPC architectures, brain simulation, scalable materials research and various exercises. The students were challenged by the projects, where small teams worked on the parallelization and optimization of different numerical tasks. Finally, the teams presented their results at a concluding colloquium and demonstrated how much they had learned during these weeks. All the students left JSC enthusiastic about the opportunities of using supercomputers for their research. We would like to thank all the lecturers and project tutors for making this intensive training course such a success. Further information at
(Contact: Dr. Marcus Richter,

JSC News, 24 February 2016

Last Modified: 12.08.2022