BEAM-ME – HPC in Energy Systems Modelling

The beginning of this year saw the kick-off meeting for the project BEAM-ME, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and addresses the need for improved computing power and efficiency in energy systems modelling. With the DLR in Stuttgart as the principal investigator on the modelling side, the project unites various partners with complementary expertise in the fields of algorithms, computing and application development. JSC and HLRS in Stuttgart engage in the task of enabling simulations to run on premier HPC infrastructures; the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) has the task of developing tailor-made parallel algorithms suited for state-of-the-art many-core systems; and GAMS Software GmbH contributes application-level research and development.
(Contact: Dr. Daniel Rohe)

JSC News, 18 March 2016

Last Modified: 12.08.2022