The Centre of Excellence E-CAM

At the end of 2015, the EU-funded Centre of Excellence E-CAM started operation. It strives to establish a software infrastructure in the field of the simulation and modelling of materials and biological processes of industrial and societal relevance. The project consortium comprises 15 partners from 10 European countries connected via the CECAM network structure ( The aim is to develop software for scale-bridging problems, which range between electronic and continuum length and time scales.

Work is concentrated within four major work packages focusing on electronic structure calculations, classical molecular dynamics, quantum dynamics and mesoscopic modelling and simulation. JSC plays a central role in software development as well as the management and organization of training events. The software produced in the project will be made publicly available through a software library. Part of the software will be developed in extended software development workshops, which will be organized regularly. Participants will actively contribute to the software stack of the project and will learn program design, documentation, optimization and porting to high-performance computers. A major aspect of the project is networking and cooperating with industrial partners. In collaborations, problem-specific software will be developed and joint schools and tutorials will be organized with the aim of establishing high-performance computing for industrially relevant computations. Further details can be found at
(Contact: Dr. Godehard Sutmann,

JSC News, 18 March 2016

Last Modified: 12.08.2022