Farewell, JUVIS

After more than seven years of successful operation, our visualization cluster JUVIS has reached the end of its lifetime and will finally be shut down by the end of July 2016. After this date, all data stored on the local file system of JUVIS (/home and /viswork) will be deleted. Users who want to save important data are responsible for migrating all files in question to another storage system before the end of July.

The visualization cluster JUVIS was equipped with GPUs and had a direct connection to our GPFS storage system, enabling remote visualization of scientific data without the need to copy large data files to the render cluster itself. From now on, this service will be hosted on dedicated visualization nodes integrated in our JURECA HPC system, see http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/jureca-visnodes.html.
(Contact: Dr. Herwig Zilken, h.zilken@fz-juelich.de)

JSC News, No. 243, July 2016

Last Modified: 11.08.2022