New GCS Large-Scale Projects in November

Twice a year, the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) issues a call for large-scale projects on its petascale supercomputers – currently Hazel Hen (HLRS), JUQUEEN (JSC), and SuperMUC (LRZ). Projects are classified as large-scale if they require at least 35 million compute core hours. During its October meeting at JSC, the GCS Peer Review Board decided to award the status of a large-scale project to 18 projects from various fields of the simulation sciences. One project was granted 84 million compute core hours on Hazel Hen, eleven projects were granted about 650 million compute core hours on JUQUEEN, and six projects were granted about 330 million compute core hours on SuperMUC. In total, more than one billion compute core hours have been awarded for GCS large-scale projects. For more details on these projects, some of which utilize the resources of several centres, visit
(Contact: Dr. Florian Janetzko,

JSC News No. 245, 18 November 2016

Last Modified: 11.08.2022