"JSC News" via E-mail

Starting with this issue, "JSC News" will also be available as a newsletter sent by e-mail. Anybody who wants to receive the e-mail version is invited to subscribe to a mailing list by sending an e-mail without content to jscnews-subscribe@fz-juelich.de and confirming the registration afterwards. JSC will continue to send out printed copies, unless you notify us otherwise (e-mail to jsc@fz-juelich.de). Furthermore, JSC News will still be available online at http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/jscnews along with the new e-mail version and PDF files.
(Contact: Dr. Sabine Höfler-Thierfeldt, s.hoefler-thierfeldt@fz-juelich.de)

JSC News No. 245, 18 November 2016

Last Modified: 11.08.2022