PRACE 14th Project Access Call

Under the new framework of the PRACE 2 programme, PRACE opened its Call 14 for access to Tier-0 supercomputer systems. In total, PRACE can offer more than 2000 million compute core hours, which is three times more than in previous calls, and now offers a cumulated peak performance of more than 50 petaflops. The PRACE systems available are Curie (GENCI@CEA, France), Hazel Hen (GCS@HLRS, Germany), JUQUEEN (GCS@JSC, Germany), Marconi (CINECA, Italy), MareNostrum (BSC, Spain), SuperMUC (GCS@LRZ, Germany), and for the first time Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland).

Scientists and researchers are eligible to apply for access to PRACE resources, and industrial users can apply if they have their head offices or substantial R&D activity based in Europe.

The PRACE Access Committee, composed of leading European scientists and engineers, ranks the project proposals to be awarded access to PRACE resources. Further details on the application procedure can be found on the PRACE website, see

The application deadline is 21 November 2016, 10:00 CET. The starting date for awarded proposals is 1 April 2017 with an allocation of 12 months.

Last Modified: 11.08.2022