EasyBuild User Meeting at JSC

From 8 to 10 February 2017, JSC will host the 2nd EasyBuild User Meeting. EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that enables the management of software on high-performance computing systems in an efficient way. It is the tool that has been used in production at JSC to deliver the software stack and environment since the deployment of JURECA, and previously in the test system JUROPA3. With EasyBuild, JSC is able to provide – in a way that is reproducible and easy to understand – a complex software infrastructure that requires multiple combinations of GCC, Intel, and PGI compilers as well as ParaStationMPI, Intel MPI, and MVAPICH as MPI runtimes. In total, JSC provides 800 unique and up-to-date software packages every six months, but this combinatorial explosion of packages is still presented in an easily understandable hierarchical structure.

Despite being production-ready since 2012, EasyBuild has been comprehensively extended, updated, and improved in the last two years, and is today a very active project in github, with close to 100 contributors from all over the world. Of those, JSC stands out as a key contributor with a number of important improvements since EasyBuild was adopted to manage the software stack in JSC's clusters.

This user meeting follows the trend initiated last year by the main developers of EasyBuild: the HPC group at Ghent University. There will be presentations from various sites explaining their own setups, as well as presentations about how EasyBuild relates to various tools and technologies, such as Lmod and containers in an HPC environment. The user meeting will also adopt a hands-on approach with a tutorial taking place and attendees working together to implement new features. More details can be found at http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/eum17.
(Contact: Dr. Damian Alvarez, d.alvarez@fz-juelich.de)

JSC News No. 246, December 2016

Last Modified: 11.08.2022