Data Publication with B2SHARE

B2SHARE is a service developed within the EUDAT and EUDAT2020 projects. It is one of the services of the EUDAT CDI (Collaborative Data Infrastructure), which was established to sustain the operation of EUDAT services beyond the end of the projects. B2SHARE offers a solution for the publication of small-scale research data – approximately 1 GB – from diverse contexts. The service instance ( is operated by JSC and available to all researchers and scientists of Forschungszentrum Jülich as well as users of the Jülich supercomputers.

B2SHARE can manage research data in a single file as well as data distributed across multiple files. The research data and additional metadata are stored in a record. During the creation of a record, the user is asked to fill in the (community-specific) metadata. A persistent identifier (PID) is assigned to each record as a reference that allows users to find the data. The PIDs of B2SHARE can be used in publications to refer to the research data and are resolvable through the Handle System, which is the infrastructure for DOIs that are assigned to paper publications (

Before using B2SHARE, you need to create an EUDAT user account on the central EUDAT user identification service B2ACCESS, which is operated by JSC. You can easily create your account and login using, for example, your email address and password from Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. More information about using B2SHARE is available at
(Contact: Sander Apweiler,

JSC News No. 249, April 2017

Last Modified: 05.07.2022