CECAM Events 2017 in Jülich

Since 2010, Forschungszentrum Jülich has been an integral part of the node structure of CECAM, which now comprises the central organization in Lausanne and 18 nodes in Europe and Israel. This year, four events are scheduled to take place at the Jülich CECAM node, consisting of three tutorials and the well-established guest student programme.

The first event is a hands-on tutorial about the DFT code FLEUR, developed at Jülich by the group headed by Prof. Stefan Blügel (IAS-1/PGI-1). The tutorial is scheduled for 8–12 May 2017 and will take place at JSC.

The Guest Student Programme on Scientific Computing, which has been organized at JSC since 2000, is an integral part of CECAM activities and has continuously developed to become an international programme attracting students from all over Europe. From 7 August to 13 October, about 12 students will work in research groups at JSC in the fields of scientific computing, receiving an introduction to parallel computing with access to JSC’s high-performance computing facilities.

Another hands-on tutorial entitled "Explicit Chemical Bonding Analysis of Materials from High Performance First Principles Simulations" will run from 25 to 29 September 2017 at JSC and is organized by RWTH Aachen University. It provides an introduction to the Lobster code, which was developed in the group headed by Prof. Richard Dronskowski at RWTH. Realistic case studies will be considered by the participants, which will subsequently be executed and analysed on the parallel cluster JURECA.

A third hands-on tutorial, co-organized by the Jülich and Daresbury CECAM nodes, will take place from 4 to 6 October 2017. It focuses on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) introducing the community code Saturne and concentrating on large-scale applications. In addition to providing theoretical background information and an introduction to CFD, this workshop will run several case studies on the JUQUEEN supercomputer, which participants will have limited access to.

Tutorials are still open for applications and those interested are encouraged to visit the web pages for further information, http://www.fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/cecam.
(Contact: Dr. Godehard Sutmann, g.sutmann@fz-juelich.de)

JSC News No. 249, April 2017

Last Modified: 11.08.2022