PRACE "Summer of HPC" 2017
For the fourth time, JSC participated in the PRACE "Summer of HPC". The programme offers summer placements for undergraduate and postgraduate students at HPC centres across Europe. Twenty-three candidates were selected from a pool of highly skilled and motivated applicants from all across Europe. The successful students then participated in ongoing research projects at ten different HPC centres within the timeframe from 1 July to 31 August 2017. Travel and accommodation costs as well as a bursary were provided by PRACE to all successful applicants.
This year, Antti Mikkonen (Finland) and Philippos Papaphilippou (Cyprus) joined JSC for the summer to gain first-hand experience in day-to-day research. After a training week for all 23 students in Ostrava at IT4Innovations (Czech Republic), Antti and Philippos started their summer projects at JSC. Antti was supervised by Andreas Beckmann working on a portability layer for fast multipole methods on GPUs, while Philippos was supervised by Stefan Krieg working on developing an auto-tuner for hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations.
(Contact: Dr. Ivo Kabadshow,
from JSC News No. 252, 10 October 2017