Best Paper Awards for ORPHEUS
Three conference contributions of the JSC-coordinated project ORPHEUS have been presented with best paper awards. The BMBF-funded project focuses on public safety in metro stations and will be completed in January 2018.
Two articles describe the experimental and numerical outcomes of underground climate investigations. The contribution of Ruhr University Bochum to the Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Conference (SupDet) in September 2017 at Hyattsville, USA, looks at the measurement of the underground climate using fibre-optic communication cables. This experimental paper is accompanied by a paper on numerical simulations of the airflows in underground stations. It was authored by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) in collaboration with JSC and was presented in September at the International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection (AUBE) in Hyattsville.
In June 2017, JSC's contribution to the International Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators (P^3MA) in Frankfurt tackled the performance portability of a real-time smoke spread code. The code, named JuROr, is written in OpenACC and developed from scratch within the ORPHEUS project.
These awards demonstrate the scientific impact of the BMBF-funded project, which has led to a broad range of publications and PhD theses. The ORPHEUS consortium will present its results at a public event in Berlin on 18 January 2018.
(Contact: Dr. Lukas Arnold,
from JSC News No. 254, 18 December 2017