Svenja Schmidt - Best MATSE in NRW and Germany

Svenja Schmidt from JSC was recognized as the best MATSE (mathematical-technical software developer) trainee in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as well as throughout Germany in 2017 for her outstanding results in the final examinations of the MATSE training course. On 9 November, she was honoured at a large ceremony in Duisburg organized by the regional associations of the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK) in NRW, which served to highlight the excellent achievements of 240 trainees in all professions.

As the best MATSE graduate in Germany, Svenja Schmidt received an additional award on 4 December in Berlin. The ceremony for the best trainees of all German vocational training courses, which was moderated by Barbara Schöneberger, included a highly motivational speech by Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources. JSC congratulates Svenja Schmidt on this great success.

Along with her MATSE degree, Ms. Schmidt will graduate with a bachelor's degree in Scientific Programming by completing her thesis on the "Gesture Control of 3D applications with Microsoft Kinect". Svenja Schmidt continues to work at JSC while also undertaking a master's degree in Technomathematics.
(Contact: Dr. Maik Boltes,

from JSC News No. 254, 18 December 2017

Svenja Schmidt erhält ihre Urkunde
Svenja Schmidt, Mathematisch-technische Softwareentwicklerin (links) und Heike Kummer, Vorsitzende des DIHK-Bildungsausschusses
DIHK / Schicke / Ebner
Last Modified: 05.08.2022