CECAM Events 2019 at Jülich

Within the context of CECAM activities, Forschungszentrum Jülich organizes and runs a number of events per year, mainly focused on scientific computing in the fields of electronic structure, materials science, soft matter, or biophysics. This year, there are two central events and a follow-up workshop planned at Jülich.

The International Guest Student Programme on Scientific Computing runs from 5 August to 11 October, where undergraduate students from international universities come to work at JSC upon application. JSC offers about 12 students the possibility to work in direct contact with scientific groups at JSC on specific topics in the fields of scientific computing, data analysis, or visualization.

The tutorial “Picking flowers: Hands-on FLEUR” will take place on 9–13 September. It is run by Stefan Blügel’s group (PGI-1/IAS-1) and provides an introduction to the electronic structure code FLEUR, which was developed at Jülich and is part of the code suite of the European Centre of Excellence MAX.

Another event is devoted to a follow-up workshop on “Load Balancing for Particle Simulation Codes”, which is co-organized by the Centre of Excellence E-CAM. The first workshop was held last year in September, and discussed general topics and requirements of various community codes. The next workshop in the series will discuss further developments and will also consider implementations in selected particle simulation codes. A date for the workshop has not yet been set. Anyone interested should contact local organizer Godehard Sutmann.

A further event scheduled for 2020 is part of the approved CECAM calendar: the multi-node international symposium “Ions, membrane and channels: Multiscale simulations from quantum to coarse-grain” in Paris co-organized by Jülich. It will celebrate the 80th birthday of Mike Klein, a pioneering scientist in the field of the computer simulation of condensed molecular systems.

Furthermore, CECAM will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year and several special events have been planned to mark it. A one-day symposium will take place on 8 April at the CECAM node in Paris, where CECAM was founded by Carl Moser as a European centre for discussing, teaching, and promoting computer simulation methods in the fields of electronic structure and molecular systems. A larger conference is planned at the current CECAM headquarters in Lausanne on 9-12 September (see https://cecam50.cecam.org/).

Contact: Prof. Godehard Sutmann, g.sutmann@fz-juelich.de

from JSC News No. 264, 27 March 2019

Last Modified: 05.07.2022