New GCS Large-Scale Projects in May

Twice a year, the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) issues a call for large-scale projects on its petascale supercomputers – currently Hazel Hen (HLRS), JUWELS (JSC), and SuperMUC-NG (LRZ). Projects are classified as large scale if they require at least 35 million compute core hours (Mcore-h). During its April meeting at JSC, the GCS Peer Review Board decided to award large-scale project status to 13 projects from various scientific fields. Three projects were granted 524 Mcore-h on Hazel Hen, 3 projects were granted 105 Mcore-h on JUWELS, and seven projects were granted 542 Mcore-h on SuperMUC-NG. In total, the GCS has awarded about 1.2 billion compute core hours to large-scale projects. For more details on these projects, please visit

Contact: Dr. Alexander Trautmann,

from JSC News No. 265, 21 May 2019

Last Modified: 02.08.2022