B2SHARE Accepted as Data Repository for Nature Publications
B2SHARE is a service developed within the EUDAT and EUDAT2020 projects. It provides a solution for storing and sharing small-scale research data from diverse contexts. The instance https://b2share.fz-juelich.de at Jülich is an offer for researchers of Forschungszentrum Jülich, who want to share or publish their results.
B2SHARE handles research data in single files and in data sets across multiple files. The research data and additional metadata are stored in a record. While creating a record, the user should fill in the (community-specific) metadata. Each submitted record receives a PID (persistent identifier). A PID is a digital reference to a digital object, which allows users to find the object with a web browser. The PID can be used in publications to refer to the research data.
Since its deployment in 2017, the service has been improved to meet different needs. Since summer 2019, B2SHARE has assigned DOIs in addition to the EPIC handle PIDs for each record. In November 2019, the instance https://b2share.fz-juelich.de was accepted as an institutional repository for scientific data by Nature Publications. Although Nature does not list B2SHARE as a recommended repository, they accept the repository for the submission of scientific data from FZJ researchers. The publisher’s namespace for the repository is ‘FZ-Juelich B2SHARE’.
Contact: Sander Apweiler, sa.apweiler@fz-juelich.de
from JSC News No. 268, 11 December 2019