New NVM Storage Resource Enters Evaluation Phase

JSC has finalized the deployment of a new innovative performance-optimized storage resource within the central Jülich storage cluster JUST. The new high-performance storage tier, JUST-IME, leverages non-volatile memory (flash) technology to provide very high bandwidth and accelerate a range of I/O-intensive simulation and machine learning workloads with the “Infinite Memory Engine” technology by DDN. The system, which is delivered by Hewlett Packard Enterprise together with DDN, is connected to JUSUF as well as the JURECA and JUWELS supercomputers at JSC with an accumulated bandwidth of more than 2 TB/s.

The JUST-IME storage is initially being evaluated for selected use-cases before being offered to a wider audience in 2021. In parallel with this evaluation phase, development is continuing. In particular, the architecture’s unique ability to tightly integrate storage with multiple supercomputers, which themselves are only loosely coupled, while still maintaining global consistency and coherency is made possible by an on-going joint co-development effort by the partners. This novel feature will enable high-performance workflows across the entire modular supercomputing facility at JSC.

The JUST-IME resource is co-funded by the ICEI project and a corresponding share of the system is to be made available for the Human Brain Project (HBP) and the broader European research community via the PRACE-ICEI calls for proposals.

Contact: Stephan Graf,;
Dr. Dorian Krause,

from JSC News No. 275, 25 September 2020

Last Modified: 05.07.2022