New DFG Project on Parallel Simulation of Multi-Modal Energy Systems

The complexity of modern energy systems poses significant challenges concerning how these systems are planned, designed, and operated. These systems are expected to be multi-modal and to include storage capacities. The distributed nature of new resources and the participation of loads in energy management require fast, reactive control and protection. In this context, the use of highly efficient and fast numerical simulation tools becomes a critical need.

The goal of the newly started DFG project “Space-time parallel simulation of multi-modal energy systems” (PinTSimE, funded by DFG within the priority programme 1984 “Hybrid and multimodal energy systems”) is to define methodologies for the use of parallel-in-space-and-time techniques for the simulation of multi-modal energy systems in order to achieve faster than real-time performance. The two parallelization techniques combined will ensure an effective use of simulations for the design, analysis, control, and optimization of multi-modal power grids.

The project is led by Prof. Andrea Benigni of the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Energy Systems Engineering at Forschungszentrum Jülich (IEK-10). Together with the University of Wuppertal, researchers at JSC will primarily work on parallel-in-time techniques for energy systems, in particular with respect to discrete events and their impact on convergence and efficiency. The group at IEK-10 will focus on the implementation and application of parallel-in-space solvers on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The project started on 1 February 2021 and will run for three years, supporting PhD and master’s students during this time.

Contact: Dr. Robert Speck,

Last Modified: 05.07.2022