Arm and Forschungszentrum Jülich Sign Multi-year Collaboration Agreement

The microprocessor company Arm and Forschungszentrum Jülich have signed a multi-year collaboration agreement to strengthen their joint efforts in identifying the requirements of high-performance computing (HPC) applications and advancing their porting and optimization on Arm-based architectures. Chips with Arm architecture are found in virtually all smartphones and the vast majority of tablet computers. In addition, Arm processors are also increasingly used in supercomputers, for example in the Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, which is currently the fastest computer in the world. The Arm design is also the basis for the development of the first European HPC processors within the European Processor Initiative (EPI project), in which JSC is participating.

The collaboration between Arm and JSC focuses on the analysis and optimization of strategic HPC applications on Arm-based HPC systems, including Arm-accelerated platforms (for example, Arm+GPU). The joint team carries out performance analyses and code engineering, taking advantage of specific features of Arm-based hardware to further advance application performance. The code requirements identified in this effort will contribute to the design of future HPC technologies and systems. More information, including a video message by Brent Gorda from Arm and Thomas Lippert from JSC, can be found at

Contact: Dr. Estela Suarez

from JSC News No. 281, 16 June 2021

Last Modified: 05.07.2022