JSC @ SC21
The SC21 supercomputing conference will take place as a hybrid event (a mix of live and virtual participants) from 14 to 19 November 2021 in St. Louis, Missouri. JSC together with its partners ParTec and the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) will present their diverse range of activities in November at JSC’s virtual booth.
This year’s highlight will be our virtual interactive event hosted on the Virtual Chair platform (https://www.virtualchair.net/events/sc21-fair). Join us on 16 November starting at 19:00 MET and get the latest news on JSC@GCS’s pathway to exascale with our pathfinder modular system JUWELS, obtain insights into the performance and application of the 75 PFLOP/s JUWELS Booster Module, Europe’s first D-Wave system made available through the Juelich UNified Infrastructure for Quantum Computing (JUNIQ), and learn about intriguing research results from the Earth System Modelling community in four exciting talks. Furthermore, take the opportunity to virtually meet our experts and discuss these and other fascinating topics, such as our activities in the EBRAINS research infrastructure and the Fenix Infrastructure, or new developments and new features of our in-house developed HPC tools like LLview, SIONlib, JUBE, and Scalasca.
At the virtual booth, our co-design partner ParTec will present its expertise in the field of HPC and its significant contribution to the modular software stack. The DEEP projects will also present their latest developments. The activities and services of the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science (CSD) will also be highlighted.
As part of the conference programme, JSC employees will organize the all-day online tutorial “Hands-On Practical Hybrid Parallel Application Performance Engineering”, co-organize the “Research Software Engineers in HPC” workshop, give presentations in the “Efficient Distributed GPU Programming for Exascale” tutorial, present talks, and participate in special interest group sessions and panel discussions. For detailed information and access to our virtual event, please visit https://fz-juelich.de/ias/jsc/sc21.
Contact: Dr. Florian Janetzko, f.janetzko@fz-juelich.de
from JSC News No. 284, 15 November 2021