QSolid Project: Superconducting Quantum Computer Tightly Embedded in HPC System
The project “Quantum computer in the solid state” (QSolid) aims to create an all-German supply chain for quantum computing as a central building block of sustainable digital sovereignty for Germany. The goal is to develop a quantum computer demonstration system that is tightly embedded in an HPC system, based on cryogenic superconducting quantum processors integrat-ed in a fully developed hardware infrastructure, right down to specific optimized firmware and software. In the first phase of the project, high-quality components will be developed and the technology demonstrated in a medium-term device, a 10-qubit system with a ladder architecture. With the knowledge gained from this system, three processors with different performance and usage profiles will be developed, one of which will meet the requirement to outperform classic computers.
The Jülich Supercomputing Centre is contributing to two out of the project’s eleven work packages. One of these focuses on the development of use cases for and the benchmarking of the quantum computer demonstrator, as well as the cross-platform benchmarking of the implement¬tation of the use cases. The other work package addresses the provision of cloud access for the QSolid demonstrator, the HPC quantum computer integration, and scheduling and resource management.
QSolid is a project in the funding initiative “Quantum computer demonstrators”, which is part of the BMBF framework programme “Quantum technologies – from basic research to market”. QSolid is one of nine quantum computer demonstrator projects, most of which involve other qubit platforms such as trapped ions, trapped atoms, photons, and NV centres in diamond. QSolid will receive a total budget of € 76.3 million, of which 89.8 % is funded by the BMBF, over the next five years. The project started on 1 January 2022 and is coordinated by Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, who heads the Quantum Computing Analytics division at the Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-12), one of nine participating subinstitutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Further information on the project is available on the BMBF’s website.
Contact: Prof. Kristel Michielsen
from JSC News No. 287, 21 March 2022