Driving the EU-Japan Digital Partnership: The HANAMI Project

The Jülich Supercomputing Centre is part of a newly formed consortium aiming to enhance collaborations between Europe and Japan around biomedical, materials science, and environmental applications which was recently awarded funding from the EuroHPC JU. The project, called HANAMI, brings together research teams representing excellence in HPC both in Europe and Japan. Key expertise will be pooled in pre-exa and exascale systems, and the research will support organizations and industrial stakeholders involved in the developing HPC technologies for extreme-scale architectures.
The project aims to port applications in the domains identified by the EU-Japan Digital Partnership on extreme-scale supercomputers and hybrid quantum HPC systems in Europe and in Japan. All partners in the consortium support the common objective to strengthen and improve the HPC ecosystem in Japan and Europe through the co-design of applications and sharing of information and expertise around HPC. HANAMI will pursue these objectives by: 1) creating a structure to enable and promote the exchange of Japanese and European researchers and application specialists in the consortium partner organizations; 2) developing the necessary skills in the era of HPC and quantum computing in computational science and computer science both in Europe and in Japan through training and skills development, including e.g. training students through internships and creating joint doctoral and postdocs positions; 3) designing a cooperation environment that is sustainable and can also accommodate and fund cooperation activities of Japanese and European organizations in the future. JSC is contributing to these goals and actions in the application domains of biomedical and materials science. The HANAMI project will officially start on 1 January 2024 and last for 3 years.
Contact: Dr. Edoardo di Napoli
from JSC News No. 298, 15 September 2023