The ISC High Performance 2023 conference will take place from 21 to 25 May in Hamburg, Germany. JSC, together with its partners within the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) – HLRS in Stuttgart and LRZ in Garching – will present its wide-ranging supercomputing activities at the GCS booth. The focus will be on topics including the path to exascale with JSC’s modular supercomputing architecture (MSA) concept; the steadily increasing importance of AI in HPC, which is reflected by developments such as the Helmholtz AI Cooperation Unit; and quantum computing technologies, with the expanding Jülich UNified Infrastructure for Quantum computing (JUNIQ) being presented.
JSC employees will also contribute to the event with numerous talks, tutorials, and workshops. For example, Estela Suarez will give a keynote presentation entitled “HPC Achievement and Impact – Past and Future”. Kristel Michielsen will be part of the ISC Invited Program committee as Track Chair for Quantum Computing. Andreas Herten and Lena Oden will be co-organizing the tutorial “Efficient Distributed GPU Programming for Exascale” together with NVIDIA. In conjunction with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jedrzej Rybicki will present the tutorial entitled “Introduction to the eFlows4HPC Software Stack and HPC Workflows as a Service Methodology”. Bernd Mohr and Morris Riedel are organizing the tutorial “Introduction to HPC Applications, Systems, Programming Models and Machine Learning and Data Analytics”. Claire Wyatt will be hosting the BoF session “Scientific Software and the People Who Make It Happen: Building Communities of Practice”. Estela Suarez will be co-organizing two workshops: the “International Workshop on Smart Networks, Data Processing and Infrastructure Units” and the “2nd International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing”. The Jülich “Women in HPC” Chapter JuWinHPC is also involved in the planning of the “ISC 2023 – Diversity Day”, which will feature an early career poster session and networking reception.
Detailed information on JSC’s participation and activities can be found at https://go.fzj.de/isc23.
Contact: Jens Henrik Göbbert, Michael Bresser