Smart Data Innovation – Services (SDI-S) Project Started

Smart Data Innovation – Services (SDI-S) Project Started

For many years, the Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) has developed approaches and implemented data science use cases based on industrial datasets. It established flexible processes and enabled SMEs and other industrial partners to leverage cutting-edge computing infrastructures. The SDIL approach thus innovates data science methods through the joint partnership of academic and industrial partners and has amassed significant experience over the years. The recently started Smart Data Innovation – Services (SDI-S) project will contribute to the SDIL by developing a service catalogue that combines this experience with concrete services offered by academic partners for SMEs and industrial partners. BMBF is providing funding for this project for a period of two years and the project coordinator is the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Forschungszentrum Jülich is a project partner alongside the Fraunhofer Society, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), SAP, IBM, and Software AG. The Jülich Supercomputing Centre will offer specific services for domain-specific data science approaches in remote sensing and healthcare. JSC will also provide more generally applicable services such as hyperparameter optimization and model training speed-up using distributed deep learning.

Contact: Chadi Barakat

from JSC News No. 294, 7 February 2023

Last Modified: 08.02.2023