Awards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Students

Awards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Students

On 1 December 2023, the best students of the last two years received the badge of honor (Ehrenplakette) of the Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen). In a ceremony at Aachen’s historic town hall, Maximilian Heuwes (PGI-JCNS-TA) and René Noffke (INM-5) as the best graduates from the bachelor’s course Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik (applied mathematics and computer science), and Björn Müller (JSC) and Alexander Sommer (PTJ-SPF) as the best graduates from the consecutive master’s course were honoured.

Impressions of the event are in the press release of FH Aachen.

Contact: Oliver Bücker

Last Modified: 18.01.2024