Electronic Sensing
Electronic Sensing Group
The „Electronic sensing “ group is working on the development of innovative semiconductor field-effect transistor (FET) structures and ultra-high sensitivity resonators for characterization of biological liquids and cellular dynamic processes. We are fabricating advanced nanowire FET (NW FET) and graphene FET (GFET) biosensors as well as micro/nano fluidic channels using state of the art Helmholtz Nano Facility. To develop a high-performance liquid gated (LG) FET biosensor, an increased focus on the quality of interfaces in the LG NW FET structures is crucial for analysis of dynamic processes in biological liquids. Valuable signals can be obtained from the dynamic processes of ions and charged molecules at the liquid-solid interface.
In the field of semiconductor FET devices, noise spectroscopy is a powerful and effective characterization method. Noise spectroscopy results provide a unique opportunity to enhance the sensitivity of biosensors and help to improve our understanding of biological processes, even at the molecular level. About 300% sensitivity enhancement can be obtained in biosensors using single trap phenomena resulting in two-level random telegraph signal switching in current. In addition, the biosensitivity in liquid-gated devices can be enhanced because the parameters of single-trap and interface phenomena can be effectively adjusted by light. Advanced GFET biosensors allow to study ischemia and reperfusion states in a network of cardiomyocytes as a part of real-state conditions of heart injuries and inflammations, specifically myocardial infractions. The action potentials recorded with the LG GFETs, especially their shape, and duration of the active segment in measured extracellular action potentials, can be used to characterize the real state of cells provide prospects for building the next generation of ultrasensitive biosensors.
A new approach involving a multifrequency single resonator operation on 6 modes with a microfluidic chip demonstrates high sensitivity in analyses of amino acids in solutions and opens prospects for studies of bioliquids in human body using contactless microwave technique.
Former Members:
Yangyan Guo, Doctoral Researcher until 2022
Yurii Kutovyi, Doctoral Researcher until 2021
Mykhailo Halystskyi, Master Student, Researcher until November 2020
Dr. Jie Li, Post Doc until October 2020
Dr. Dmytro Zhulai, Doctoral Researcher until August 2019
Dr. N.Naumova, Post Doc until October 2019
Dr. Volodymyr Handziuk, Master, Doctoral Researcher until October 2019
Matthias Becker, Trainee Apprenticeship, Student Assistant until October 2019
Dr. Hanna Hlukhova, Master, Doctoral Researcher until August 2019
Ahmed Medhat Kamal Zaki Ali Mohamed Elkhadrawy, Master Student until August 2019
Miroslav Avilov, Bachelor Student until September 2019
Dmytro Yehorov, Master Student until June 2019
Alexandra Dunin-Borkowska, Trainee Apprenticeship until October 2018
Dr.Andrey Babichev, Master, Doctoral Researcher until January 2018
Dr.Andrey Naumov, Post Doc until March, 2017
Dr. Volodymyr Piatnitsia, Post Doc until February 2016
Nataliia Piechniakova (Master student 2014)
S. Pud, Doctoral Researcher, DAAD project (2012- 2015)
Dr. N.Naumova, Guest, DAAD project (2015)
Dr.V.Piatnytsia, PostDoc,BMBF project (2013, 2014, 2015)
Dr.A.Naumov, Post.Doc., BMBF project (2014, 2015)
Yu. Liashuk, Doctoral Researcher, BMBF project (2014)
J. Li, Doctoral Researcher, CSC project (2011-2014)
Prof. V.A.Kochelap, Guest , BMBF project (2011,2013,2014)
Prof. A.E. Belyaev, Guest, BMBF project (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014)
Dr. M.V.Petrychuk, Guest, BMBF project (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014)
Dr. V.Korotieiev, Guest, BMBF project (2013, 2014)
V.Sydoruk, Doctoral Researcher (2010-2013)
A.Acevedo, Bachelor Student, NNIN project (2013)
Prof. F.Gasparyan , Guest , DAAD project (2013)
Dr.A.Barannik, PostDoc, BMBF and DAAD projects (2011, 2012,2013)
A.Vladyka, Master student (2012-2013)
Dr.A.Gubin, PostDoc, BMBF and DAAD projects (2010,2011,2012)
V.Sibiliev, Mater Student (2011-2012)
Prof. V.Gasumyants, Guest, Corporate strategy project (2011)
A.Babichev, Doctoral Researcher, Corporate strategy project (2010, 2011)
[1] New approach for enhancing sensitivity in liquid-gated nanowire FET biosensors under optical excitation. M. Petrychuk et al. Advanced Materials Technologies. Vol. 9, N.11, 2301303-1-9 (2024).
[2] Peculiarities of the SCLC Effect in Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors. Y.Zhang et al. Advanced Electronic Materials. Y.Zhang et al.. Vol.10, N.7, 2300855-1-8 (2024).
[3] Noise Spectroscopy Analysis of Ion Behavior in Liquid Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors. Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol.10, N. 36, 2300585-1-9 (2023).
Noise spectroscopy of transport and ion-related phenomena in silicon nanowire field-effect transistor biosensors. Y.Guo et al. Advanced Material Interfaces.V.9, N. 32, 2201142 -1-8 (2022).
Single-Trap Phenomena Stochastic Switching for Noise Suppression in Nanowire FET Biosensors , Y. Kutovyi et al. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, V.60, N.SB, SBBG03-1-5 (2021).
Boosting the Performance of Liquid-Gated Nanotransistor Biosensors Using Single-Trap Phenomena. Y. Kutovyi et al. Advanced Electronic Materials (2021)
Characteristic Frequencies and Times, Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Light Illumination Studies in Nanowire FET Biosensors. S.Vitusevich. Plenary invited paper. 2020 IEEE Internat. Ukr. Symp. MSMW 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine, IEEE, 580-585 (2020)
Graphene Nanoplatelets-Au Nanoparticles Hybrid as a Capacitive-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor pH Sensor. A. Medhat et al. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1-7 (2020)
Amyloid-beta peptide detection via aptamer-functionalized nanowire sensors exploiting single-trap phenomena. Y.Kutovyi et al. Biosensors and bioelectronics. 154, 112053-1-8 (2020)