EU-JAPAN Workshop on Computational Materials Design and Realization for Spintronics, Moltronics, Quantronics, Superconductivity and Topotronics

18th September 2016 06:30 AM
30th September 2016 16:00 PM
Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Based on previous long-term discussions, we aim to create new concepts and proposals for future EU-JAPAN collaborations related to the computational materials design and realization of energy-saving, energy-creation materials and devices, such as spintronics, moltronics, quantronics, superconductivity and topotronics.

Each talk is organized around a 30 min presentation and 30 min discussion (where the aim is to create new concepts and new proposals through the discussions). Afterwards, the discussion leader will prepare a report on the new proposal and summarize this in the wrap-up session.

We will finalize the summary and new proposals on the last day of the workshop and distribute them to participants for use in future collaborations.

More information

Organizational Contact:

Luise Snyders

Phone: +49 2461 61-3137

Scientific Contact:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Blügel

Phone: +49 2461 61-4249

Prof. Dr. P.H. Dederichs

Phone: +49-2461-614351
email :

Last Modified: 11.04.2022