Maternity Protection
Pregnant women benefit from special protection. Legislation governing maternity protection protects (expectant) mothers and their children from hazards, strenuous work, and health risks in the workplace; from financial losses; and from termination of employment during pregnancy and for a set period after the birth of the child.
Which laws apply?
The Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) applies to all (expectant) mothers who are in employment. Other regulations protecting the health of expectant mothers and their children from risks, strenuous work, and exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace can be found, for example, in the Regulation for the Protection of Mothers at the Workplace (MuSchArbV).
Who is entitled to maternity protection?
Financial Implications
How should I inform my employer that I am pregnant?
Company doctors
Dr. Thomas RuebLeiter Betriebsärztlicher Dienst und Betriebsarzt
Head of Medical Service
Building 15.2 / Room 284
Hazard assessment
Last Modified: 31.05.2022