Runtime Analysis of Parallel applications for Industrial software Development
The RAPID project is a collaboration between
- Corporate Technology Multicore Expert Center of Siemens AG
- Jülich Supercomputing Centre.
The goal of this project is to adapt the measurement and analysis tools Score-P and Scalasca to the needs of industrial applications. In particular, support for threading models like POSIX threads, Windows threads, Qt threads, and ACE threads are integrated into Score-P. In addition, support for leveraging task parallelism using MTAPI is being developed. Besides supporting new programming paradigms, additional work has to be done with regards to portability. Although Score-P is already quite portable as it is running on all relevant supercomputer architectures, systems like Windows and operating systems for embedded systems have not been targeted so far. On the analysis side, new methods targeting thread-based communication patterns, e.g., a lock contention analysis, are being implemented in Scalasca.
Another goal of RAPID is to assist developers in getting insight into the huge and often complex software packages by providing visual call graphs of application runs, thus overcoming the limitation of static analysis tools when it comes to the use of polymorphism or indirect calls via function pointers. To accomplish this, the established tool Cube is enhanced by providing a generic plugin interface that allows various kinds of analyses on the profiling data generated during a measurement run.
The tools Score-P, Scalasca, and Cube come with the 3-clause BSD open source license. All contributions to these tools developed within RAPID will be made available under the same license, which will allow the community to further improve and maintain them.
Jülich Contact: Bernd Mohr
Siemens Contact: Daniel Becker