Novel System Architecture Design

Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez

Joint Lead of JSC-Division "Novel System Architecture Design"

  • Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Building 16.4 /
Room 222
+49 2461/61-9110

Dr. Andreas Herten

Co-Lead of division Novel System Architecture design, head of ATML Accelerating Devices

  • Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Building 16.3 /
Room 228
+49 2461/61-1825

The NOVAS division develops novel computer architectures and investigates technologies for high-performance computing (HPC). Particular focus is put on co-design, test, and integration of energy efficient processor and accelerator technologies for HPC (Arm and RISC-V CPUs, GPUs, AI accelerators) in the Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA). The system software stack for heterogeneous and MSA architectures is also developed in NOVAS. Furthermore, training and support is provided for users of those novel technologies.

The NOVAS division is structured into the following groups:

Our research topics include:

  • Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA) development:
    • processor technology exploration and benchmarking
    • hardware prototyping
    • system software development
    • application porting
  • GPU usage at large scale and support for users:
    • GPU technology testing and benchmarking
    • application porting and scaling on multi-GPU systems
    • training of large scale language models on GPU
    • GPU user support and training courses
  • System Software development:
    • system software for MSA systems
    • resource management and scheduling of heterogenous architectures
    • software development for Arm and RISC-V systems
  • Benchmarking and Co-design:
    • analysis of HPC system usage metrics
    • application porting to and evaluation of novel processors and system architectures
    • HPC libraries porting to and evaluation of RISC-V processors
    • Gem5 modelling of HPC processors

Division members

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Last Modified: 06.12.2024